Saturday, March 28, 2009

Thanks to scocurti and mglancy

Thanks guys for thinking of us. Lori and I really enjoyed the dinner @ Ruth's Chris Steak House this afternoon:

We also enjoyed the movie tickets, but the theater got excited when I pulled out the video camera! ;-)

Excuse the video. Still trying to get used to the Flip.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


I went to another choir practice this evening. Lex De Azevedo played the piano for our practice this evening. In addition to his Millenial Choir, 4 soloists and a small orchestra, we are performing his Oratorio, "Hosanna, The Life of Christ" in April. What a great experience.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Took my daughters to the Temple

Was able to take Becca and Megan with the YWs group yesterday to the Mt. Timpanogos temple to perform baptisms for the dead. They much enjoyed it. Becca learned from the last time and launched herself backwards--in a dive almost--each time she was baptized. Pulling Megan back out of the water was much like lifting a felled tree.